Narrative Analysis on Online Communities

Uncover insights and narratives that shape public discourse to stay ahead of every conversation

Narrative Analysis on Online Communities

Uncover insights and narratives that shape public discourse to stay ahead of every conversation

Narrative Analysis on Online Communities

Uncover insights and narratives that shape public discourse to stay ahead of every conversation

Answer questions that matter

Go beyond popular post titles and engagement metrics

Answer questions that matter

Go beyond popular post titles and engagement metrics

  • Should I care about the discussions?

    Madhu Verma

    Marcomm Executive

  • Who is leading and participating in these discussions?

    Nikita Johnson

    Strategic Public Relations

  • What are users’ typical characteristics?

    Cheryl Chen

    Media Relationship Analyst

  • Should I care about the discussions?

    Madhu Verma

    Marcomm Executive

  • Who is leading and participating in these discussions?

    Nikita Johnson

    Strategic Public Relations

  • What are users’ typical characteristics?

    Cheryl Chen

    Media Relationship Analyst

  • Should I care about the discussions?

    Madhu Verma

    Marcomm Executive

  • Who is leading and participating in these discussions?

    Nikita Johnson

    Strategic Public Relations

  • What are users’ typical characteristics?

    Cheryl Chen

    Media Relationship Analyst

  • Are there suspicious accounts trying to drive an agenda?

    Nathaniel Koh

    Media & Strategic Communications Analyst

  • What quantitative data can I use to support my media analysis?

    Aishah Wan

    Corporate Communications Analyst

  • What are users’ key traits and beliefs?

    Siena Rodriguez

    Brand Consultant

  • Are there suspicious accounts trying to drive an agenda?

    Nathaniel Koh

    Media & Strategic Communications Analyst

  • What quantitative data can I use to support my media analysis?

    Aishah Wan

    Corporate Communications Analyst

  • What are users’ key traits and beliefs?

    Siena Rodriguez

    Brand Consultant

  • Are there suspicious accounts trying to drive an agenda?

    Nathaniel Koh

    Media & Strategic Communications Analyst

  • What quantitative data can I use to support my media analysis?

    Aishah Wan

    Corporate Communications Analyst

  • What are users’ key traits and beliefs?

    Siena Rodriguez

    Brand Consultant

  • How have views changed over time for selected user archetypes?

    Rachel Wong

    Public Policy Analyst

  • What themes are trending over selected user archetypes?

    Alex Tan

    Operations Analyst

  • What topics are being discussed today?


    Public Relations Officer

  • How have views changed over time for selected user archetypes?

    Rachel Wong

    Public Policy Analyst

  • What themes are trending over selected user archetypes?

    Alex Tan

    Operations Analyst

  • What topics are being discussed today?


    Public Relations Officer

  • How have views changed over time for selected user archetypes?

    Rachel Wong

    Public Policy Analyst

  • What themes are trending over selected user archetypes?

    Alex Tan

    Operations Analyst

  • What topics are being discussed today?


    Public Relations Officer

Drilldown into Online Conversations

Drilldown into Online Conversations

  • Narrative Timeline

    Macro view showing how stances have changed over a chosen time period for various user archetypes, such as by income group and age

    Screenshot of feature "Unlimited Email Sending"

    Narrative Timeline

    Macro view showing how stances have changed over a chosen time period for various user archetypes, such as by income group and age

    Screenshot of feature "Unlimited Email Sending"

    Narrative Timeline

    Macro view showing how stances have changed over a chosen time period for various user archetypes, such as by income group and age

    Screenshot of feature "Unlimited Email Sending"
  • User Biography

    Summary of the user’s profile, such as key traits and beliefs

    Screenshot of feature "Discover Clients"

    User Biography

    Summary of the user’s profile, such as key traits and beliefs

    Screenshot of feature "Discover Clients"

    User Biography

    Summary of the user’s profile, such as key traits and beliefs

    Screenshot of feature "Discover Clients"
  • Overall Demographics

    Overall demographics of users across selected threads

    Screenshot of feature "Spam-Free"

    Overall Demographics

    Overall demographics of users across selected threads

    Screenshot of feature "Spam-Free"

    Overall Demographics

    Overall demographics of users across selected threads

    Screenshot of feature "Spam-Free"
  • Inauthentic Behaviour Detection

    Flagging suspicious user behaviour, such as coordinated efforts across a small number of users

    Screenshot of feature "Easy Campaigns & Fast Results"

    Inauthentic Behaviour Detection

    Flagging suspicious user behaviour, such as coordinated efforts across a small number of users

    Screenshot of feature "Easy Campaigns & Fast Results"

    Inauthentic Behaviour Detection

    Flagging suspicious user behaviour, such as coordinated efforts across a small number of users

    Screenshot of feature "Easy Campaigns & Fast Results"
  • Top Threads

    Understand the top threads and media that resonate with selected user archetypes

    Screenshot of feature "Maximize Engagement"

    Top Threads

    Understand the top threads and media that resonate with selected user archetypes

    Screenshot of feature "Maximize Engagement"

    Top Threads

    Understand the top threads and media that resonate with selected user archetypes

    Screenshot of feature "Maximize Engagement"
  • Others

    Other advanced features, such as sentiment trend, daily briefs and more

    Screenshot of feature "Email Statistics"


    Other advanced features, such as sentiment trend, daily briefs and more

    Screenshot of feature "Email Statistics"


    Other advanced features, such as sentiment trend, daily briefs and more

    Screenshot of feature "Email Statistics"

Want to learn more?

Get a comprehensive, data-driven analysis of noisy social media platforms and forums. Schedule a demo today.

Want to learn more?

Get a comprehensive, data-driven analysis of noisy social media platforms and forums. Schedule a demo today.

Want to learn more?

Get a comprehensive, data-driven analysis of noisy social media platforms and forums. Schedule a demo today.